IMD2014 anonymous

Welcome to this series of articles connected to International Men’s Day (November 19) where men reflect on what it means to be male.  Here we see anoymous being interviewed.

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 I think we need to look at the gender issue as an equality issue, not a man vs woman issue. It should be about ensuring that every person has the same opportunities and responsibilities as everybody else and that their rights are being respected, gender shouldn’t be a factor.

Place of residence: Frankfurt, Germany
Age: 26

Are you glad to be a man?  If so, why (not)?
I wish I could say I wasn’t glad to be a man, because it shouldn’t matter. But unfortunately we live in a world where it is far easier to be one. So while I’m not glad to be a man in itself, I know it has probably made my life easier.

All over the world, men are more likely than women to commit suicide. Why is this? What do you think can be done to address this?

It’s probably a cliche, but I think it is true that men are less likely to talk about or seek help if they are having problems. I think men are under pressure to be or at least to seem confident and independent and self-reliant, so are less likely to admit that things aren’t going well. As this is such a culturally ingrained issue, I think it is something that will take time to change and it is something that will have to happen organically. We can try to change people’s attitudes towards mental health issues and encourage men to be more open and less reluctant to seek help, and I think this will help, but it will still require time for society’s general attitudes to change.

When did you have your last check-up for prostrate and testicular cancer? Why don’t men tend to look after their health?
I’ve never had a specific check-up for prostate or testicular cancer. Similarly to the last question, I think men are less likely to go to the doctor anyway, especially for such a check-up like that where they’re not actually ‘sick’.

How is it possible to address the problems that men and women face without competition between them?
I think we need to look at the gender issue as an equality issue, not a man vs woman issue. It should be about ensuring that every person has the same opportunities and responsibilities as everybody else and that their rights are being respected, gender shouldn’t be a factor.

Janick’s particpation in Movember, an initiative to raise money towards combatting prostrate and testicular cancer as well as, in Poland, male depression, ends today.  To sponsor him, please go to this link.

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