IMD2014 Marian Hîrcă

Welcome to this series of articles connected to International Men’s Day (November 19) where men reflect on what it means to be male.  Here we see Marian Hîrcă being interviewed.

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Men don’t go to doctors after the first cough, they would say “ah, it’s just a cough, everything will be okay.” So they seem to care less and focus on other things like success, and they tend to forget that the real success is actually being healthy.

Name: Marian Hîrcă
Place of residence: Beiuș, Romania
Age: 21

Are you glad to be a man? Why (not)?


Men are at the extremes of success, on the one hand they are more likely to be directors, managers and politicians, on the other hand more likely to be homeless, have severe mental illnesses and be in prison. Why do men have such big extremes?

I believe it all depends on the environment the men grows in. You could say it’s an extreme of extremes. For instance, if a boy would grow up in a poor family, he would aspire to become someone, like a director, so that hes family won’t have to go through poorness. On the other side, if a boy would grow up in a wealthy family, he would think that he has everything he needs and not study for anything, and will eventually become homeless. But these situations vary, I don’t think there’s a specific pattern.

All over the world, men are more likely than women to commit suicide. Why is this? What do you think can be done to address this?

Well for example, in a family, the men is the main provider of the family, as seen by society. It generally falls on the shoulder of the men to provide for their family. This usually builds up pressure, and if something goes wrong, the depression kicks in and eventually suicide. Everything in this world is build around men, more tasks, more responsibilities, more opportunities to fail, more suicides.

When did you have your last check-up for prostrate and testicular cancer? Why don’t men tend to look after their health?

I can’t remember my last prostate or testicular cancer exam. I believe I’ve never had one. Men tend to look less after their health cause of society. Men don’t go to doctors after the first cough, they would say “ah, it’s just a cough, everything will be okay.” So they seem to care less and focus on other things like success, and they tend to forget that the real success is actually being healthy.

What male role models do you have?

The closest to a role model would probably be my best friend. He thought me what kindness truly means, he thought me to value friendship, brotherhood, honor and to believe in something with all my heart and soul. My life has drastically changed since I met him and I dare say I would not be here today if it wasn’t for him.

How is it possible to address the problems that men and women face without competition between them?

I don’t think competition is bad as long as you know how to compete and what to compete for. The real challenge is how to win and more importantly how to lose.

What’s your message for men for this year’s International Men’s Day?

Live every day like it’s International Men’s Day.

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